Salata Travel Grant Program Application

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Program Details

The Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability’s Travel Grant Program funds individual students who are planning trips to advance their academic or professional development goals. Travel must occur during the Fall, Spring, and Winter inter-session terms.


The maximum grant is $1,000. The program welcomes applications from all Harvard students. 

Program Timeline:

Applicants should use the table below to identify the appropriate Application Deadline and Decision Date corresponding to their anticipated Travel Departure Date.


Spring 2025 

Travel Departure Date 

Applications Open 

Application Deadline 

Decision Date 

January 27 

March 9 

December 23 

January 12 

January 17 

March 10  

April 13 

February 3

February 16

February 21

April 14  

May 18 

March 17 

March 30  

April 4 

May 19 

May 31 

April 21 

May 4 

May 9 

Application Details

The Travel Grant Application includes the following sections:

  1. Applicant Information: Identifying questions about the applicant.
  2. Travel Purpose: Questions about the intended purpose for travel, travel destination, and a travel statement (500 words, PDF Upload) outlining how the trip will advance the applicant's academic or professional development goals.
  3. Budget & Funding Request: An outline of your overall budget, disclosure of other funding sources, your funding request from this program, and other funding-related questions.
  4. Environmental Impact Statement: A statement (50-100 words) about how the applicant would minimize the environmental impacts of travel. Find tips on minimizing your impact here.
  5. Optional Supporting Documentation:
    1. Letter of support from an advisor.
    2. Copy of conference agenda or event credentials.
  6. Program Agreements: Acknowledgment of the program expectations and requirements.

Applicant Information

*Small groups of students (2 or more people) traveling together for the same research project or purpose, should apply as "Multiple Applicants". 
Primary Applicant Details

If you are unsure, please select January 1st for the year in which you will graduate.

Additional Applicant(s) Information

Travel Purpose

Travel Details

Travel Proposal
A) Travel Proposal
Please write a 500-word (maximum) summary of the event or project and how your participation will advance your academic or professional development goals. Please upload your proposal as a PDF document.
*Note: Please be aware that there is a total maximum file upload size of 35MB. The total of all files uploaded cannot surpass 35MB.

Budget & Funding Request

Budget Overview: Please enter all of your anticipated expenses for each category below in USD. If you don't anticipate expenses for one of the categories leave it as $0.00.

At the bottom of this section enter your Total Estimated Budget which should be equivalent to the sum of all the expense categories.







Additional Funding Sources

Additional Funding Source - Details
Please enter the information requested below for each additional funding source to which you have applied.


Funding Request


Special Financial Circumstances

Environmental Impact Statement

While travel can be important for academic pursuits and professional development, it has environmental impacts. Before applying for the Salata Institute’s Travel Grant Pilot Program, please first consider whether your travel is necessary. If your travel is required, please consider how to minimize your environmental impacts.

Environmental Impact Statement

Optional: Supporting Documentation

Applicants may choose to upload supporting documentation with their application for funding. Supporting documentation is not required to be considered. Types of documentation might include:


For applications for conference funding:

-   A copy of a conference agenda

-   A copy of your conference credentials

-   A copy of your invitation letter to speak or present


For applications for research trip funding:

-   A letter of support from a supervising faculty advisor

-   Preliminary or supporting research work

Supporting Documentation Upload
Please be aware that there is a total maximum file upload size of 35MB. The total of all files uploaded cannot surpass 35MB.

Please upload all documents as PDF files.

Program Agreements

Attestation and Acknowledgement

By checking below, I hereby agree that, should I be selected for funding through this program, I: 

  1. Am able to cover the upfront costs of transportation and lodging for my travel.
  2. Have reviewed, and acknowledge, the restrictions outlined in the Salata Institute's Travel Grant Pilot Program.
  3. Have reviewed and acknowledged Harvard University’s Travel Reimbursement Policies.
  4. Upon completion of my trip, will complete a 1000-word (maximum) written reflection 
  5. Upon completion of my trip will provide 2-3 high-resolution photos taken during my travels.
  6. Have reviewed Harvard's International Travel & Reimbursement Guidance and Harvard Global Support Services International Travel Requirements, if traveling internationally.
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